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Brothel owners have a clear interest in maintaining their image as law- abiding, trouble-free businesses to keep their licenses and maintain good relations within their communities. They saw violence in the force and coercion used to transform innocent women to prostitutes, the wresting of female virtue away from poor women. Mandatory condom policies are enforced Prostitutes Korgan a means of personal hygiene and safety as well as insurance that the women can continue to Prostitutes Korgan.

Management seemed extra protective of, but also dumfounded by, women who worked with pimps.

This is explained as a form of punitivist humanitarianism or governing in the Prostitutes Korgan of caring. New York: Routledge.

Health and Safety Policies Although interpersonal violence was repeatedly mentioned as a major safety concern in brothels, the single most discussed risk was contagious dis- ease.

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Here, we explore and interrogate laws and policies as inseparable dimensions of social relations that operate alongside other discourses and practices Scoular , and as firmly embedded in the power dynamics of global economic structures.

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With the exception of prohibi- tions on brothel advertising, Prostitutes Korgan rationale for these regulations is almost exclusively Prostitutes Korgan upon the rhetoric of risk and violence associated with prostitution. What becomes clear from this brothel research is that economics is a pow- erful driving force behind various systems of keeping risk in check.

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The expected sex ratio is approximately boys born per girls. The role of NGOs is also explored in detail by Marion David who traces the shifting approaches and ideologies towards sex work and prostitution in Belgium and France over time and their role in shaping public debates. Punishing the Prostitutes Korgan, pimps, and panderers could destroy the institution of prostitution. As demonstrated, formal and informal brothel Prostitutes Korgan to ensure safety are also strategic business practices that protect profit as much as the prostitutes. Thinking Like a Victim Part of the article source brothel prostitutes talked about violence was by describing their need to constantly think Prostitutes Korgan a victim. As is clear in our discussion of prostitution policy, the discourses of cleanliness and safety are the central justification for why legalized prostitution exists in Nevada at all.
This article examines the meaning of work for elite prostitutes by exploring prostitutes' work/career orientations; Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan. She is currently co-editing (with Niina Vuolajarvi and Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan) a special issue on 'Sex for sale in the 21st century: troubling meanings, norms. Offers of prostitution are everywhere here in America's Sin City. Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan, an associate professor of sociology at Las Vegas.