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The Savage Detectives, those wild, ferocious, half-crazed men and woman driven to mythic, intoxicating summits by the carnival of words and the Latino rhythms of their poetry.

He can jump in and out of one hundred characters with distinct voices and mannerisms and sayings, all interweaved with their own separate stories and emotion and tales.

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I came to reading this book primarily due to a prompt from a Brazilian friend of mine recommending it strongly.

It is this magician power the narrators are in touch with as they move through their days and nights, their conversations and writing and reading of poems.

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East in Israel.

The book seems self-indulgent and sloppy to me.

Ultimately they grow older, become increasingly disillusioned, never attain their once-lofty aspirations, heading straight for neglect and oblivion His young anti-heroes live in a world of ideas and words.
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The events of that trip fuel the rest of the book, although the reader only realises this in retrospect. The first three parts of '' primarily describe the journey both intellectually and physically of three of the four academic cohorts as they follow the leads they uncover regarding Archimboldi's movements from locations in Europe and Prostitutes Santiago Papasquiaro on to Mexico City. And, my word, what a novel. There is a scene where Arturo challenges a critic Prostitutes Santiago Papasquiaro a duel, and they stand on a beach with swords, awkwardly swinging at one another. And you have to admire an author who can splay himself into a number of characters within a novel.